We work with an established and prestigious client base of housing associations, public sector organisations and charities across the UK.
Our clients include:

bpha is a Housing Association located in the Oxford to Cambridge arc, which is committed to providing its customers with high quality, value for money services whilst continuing to develop energy efficient, sustainable and affordable housing.
They are a leading provider and developer of affordable homes including general needs rent, retirement living, and homes for shared ownership.
bpha own or manage over 19,500 homes and employ 500 staff.
Pobl has a track record of delivering great affordable homes across a mix of tenures and manages an existing portfolio of over 16,000 homes. With a robust asset management strategy in place, they ensure their customers live in homes that are safe, warm and fully compliant with the Welsh Housing Quality Standard.
As a large, diverse group they are uniquely placed to join with others to create positive change in the delivery of Housing, Care and Support across Wales. They have a positive response to the climate change emergency and are focussed on cutting carbon in Pobl homes, places and across their operations.

saha is a diverse specialist provider of supported housing and support services across England.
We provide a range of General Needs, Directly Managed Supported and Agency Managed Supported housing. Our principal focus is upon providing services to rough sleepers, young homeless people, young mothers, families and ex-offenders
Our Mission is: To Transform Lives by providing solutions to homelessness and enabling people to develop and achieve their full potential

Lincoln is a growing and forward-looking city built on historic foundations and is the economic driver for the Lincolnshire area.
With a population of just under 100,000 their housing strategy seeks to deliver housing which meets the varied needs of their residents, building sustainable communities and improving housing standards for all.

Orwell Housing Association was formed in 1963 in Ipswich, employing no staff and managing only a handful of properties. Today, Orwell provides a range of services including housing, support and care services.
They employ around 700 staff including relief and volunteers whilst managing approximately 4,000 homes for 7500+ residents.

Knowes Housing Association was formed on 1st March 1998 following a large scale voluntary transfer of 1,115 properties in the Faifley and Duntocher area of Clydebank from the former Scottish Homes. Knowes currently owns and manages 1030 properties and acts as factor to a further 694.
Knowes mission is to provide good quality affordable housing and services which meets the needs and aspirations of the community we serve, ensure resident control of current and future housing and contribute to the continued improvement of the local community and environment.

Leeds Federated has been providing people with safe, affordable homes since 1975. The first homes they invested in were in the Arthingtons in central Leeds, working closely with Leeds City Council and other organisations which were concerned by the quality of homes to rent in the city at that time.
Leeds Federated has been synonymous with regeneration in the inner city of Leeds and the number of homes they have and the geography of where their homes are has spread across Leeds, Wakefield and into North Yorkshire. They are committed to building and providing safe, affordable homes that people want to live in.

Coastline Housing Ltd is an independent, not-for-profit housing association owning and managing almost 5,000 homes. The company’s purpose is to build great homes and offer great services provided by great people.
In many areas of Cornwall, high house price rises have excluded many people from owning their own home. Thousands of families have registered for affordable rented housing in the county and many more are known to be in need.
With a growing annual turnover - currently £26 million - and staff totalling over 300, Coastline Housing’s contribution to solving this problem and improving people’s lives continues to increase.

Redditch Borough Council is the local authority covering the non-metropolitan district centred on the town of Redditch, designated a New Town in 1964 and is fourteen miles Birmingham, England’s second City.
Their vision is "to enrich the lives and aspirations of their residents, businesses and visitors through the provision of efficiently run and high quality services, ensuring that all in need receive appropriate help, support and opportunities.

Founded in 1967 as Croydon Churches Housing Association, ccha owns and manages over 1500 homes in Croydon, Bromley, Sutton and Merton.
Founded to meet the need for housing in the community, ccha aspires to build more quality homes and provide excellent customer care.

Railway Housing Association owns over 1,500 rented homes located within 19 local authority areas, mainly in the North East and Yorkshire/Humberside areas of England. In addition, the Association manages 73 units of leasehold accommodation for older people.
Their core business is the provision of affordable accommodation and a management and maintenance service to residents, ensuring an equitable and fair service to all and a presence within each local community in which they operate.

Barnsbury Housing Association are a small neighbourhood-based organisation, formed in 1967 to provide genuinely affordable rented housing in Barnsbury, Islington.
Formed by a group of local professionals (architects, surveyors and solicitors), to save properties on Barnsbury Street from being demolished, they now manage just under 300 homes.
For over 50 years, Barnsbury Housing Association have worked with a range of partners and organisations to deliver high quality homes and are committed to keeping the areas affordable and the community thriving.

Founded in 1973 to provide good quality, affordable accommodation to single people on low incomes, Look Ahead have supported people for over almost 50 years. Employing over 1,000 staff and supporting over 6,500 customers every year, Look ahead offer high quality care, support and housing and are specialists in delivering mental health, learning disabilities and young people services across London and the Southeast.